Tuesday, July 5, 2011


She is elegant.
A small town girl, but atypical. Determined to use every tear she’s given.
On happiness, harm, joy, love, and sorrow. 
She hates goodbyes more than winter, change has never done her well. 
She has an unexamined heart, one that she is scared to search, terrified to uncover. 
But she loves more than anyone could ever love her back. She cares and doesn’t realize it. 
She sacrifices and still sees herself sinful.  She sleeps in silk pajamas, and dreams for the ones she loves. 
She wakes up and leaves her pride. 
She knows her Father, she knows Him well.
She drives the same roads because getting lost would be…unacceptable. 
She sees things as practical rather than creative, because she can’t make sense of the unexplained. 
But she is elegant. 
She will always be elegant. 

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